Visit us in-store to explore our sample stock and find the perfect fit for you
and your team. Or, arrange a visit and we'll come to you!
Showcase your brand or event with our stylish corporate, promotional, and teamwear clothing.
Just send us your logo – we’ll handle the rest!
To ensure perfection, we’ll create a sample swatch for your approval before personalising your garments.
Your satisfaction is our priority.
Want to explore our range? View our catalogue online,
packed with fresh styles and top-quality workwear
to outfit your team with confidence.
From Corporate to Construction, Healthcare to Hospitality, and even Children’s Groups – we’ve got every sector covered!
Equip your team with the latest safety gear that meets all health and safety regulations. From head to toe, we’ve got you covered:
Protective Clothing
Hand Protection
Foot Protection
Eye Protection
Respiratory Protection
Hearing Protection
Head Protection
Need high-visibility workwear fast? Check out our in-store range of hi-vis coats, jackets, and vests. Plus, our in-house printing service can add your branding or details for a professional finish.
Safety and style, all in one place!
We’re proud to offer top-notch embroidery and printing services, all handled by our expert in-house team. This hands-on approach allows us to maintain full control over your order, ensuring every detail is perfect, consistent, and precisely executed from start to finish.
Whether it’s adding your logo, branding, or custom designs to workwear, our embroidery experts use the latest technology to deliver results that are both durable and professional. With years of experience, we’re here to bring your vision to life with the highest standards of quality.
By managing everything in-house, we can guarantee faster turnaround times, better communication, and exceptional service every step of the way.
Trust us to make your workwear stand out!